A Chapter About RYM (2011):::
WOW. I almost don't even want to write about RYM because it was so FULL. Full of life,
the Word/Bread,
and HOPE.
And, while all those things are beautiful, they are also all very overwhelming. Overwhelming to process, remember, and explain.
My PineWood's ladies are a gift from God, I notice the finger print of God on each of them. They blessed me this past week.
Sarah's peaceful spirit and confidence,
Sarah J's desiring heart and beauty,
Elena's presence and learning heart,
Erin's zeal and joy,
Anna's strength and identity,
Kat's beautiful tears and captivating spirit,
Hannah's desire for unity and opened eyes,
and Amy's creativity and strength. And even though my purpose of going to RYM was to journey with them and dig deeper into their hearts I noticed God using the time to dig into my own heart. I wasn't expecting it. Or prepared for it.
The first day Joey told this story about a sky diver.
He was the camera man for this group of men who were all jumping together.
People could watch the film he shot. so you watch as he jumps out of the plane.
He turns around to catch all his friends jump out one at a time,
getting the whole thing on camera.
Then one by one each man pulls his parachute
and as you watch the film you begin to see the camera man panic.
And it becomes clear that the camera man was so caught up in his camera stuff that he forgot his parachute.
He is free falling with no way to slow down.
He was so caught up in the extra stuff that he forgot his life saver.
The whole story is a bit overwhelming and scary- but the point hit me to the core. Am I caught up in theology and worries that I forget the good news? Do I let Satan steal the joy of my salvation? Maybe I don't constantly live in doubt, but do I live like a daughter of the King who has been saved just in the nick of time???
If you know the Lord has been good to you, common and Dance.
A dear princess sister once told me that the seeds that have been planted in my heart are growing roots deeper and deeper. And as seeds go deeper, they need more nourishment because they cant reach the nourishment that just hits the surface, just like a plant. Plants' roots go deeper to get more water, and they stretch higher to soak in the sun. This was all told to me last Christmas. Awhile ago, and I'm still wrestling with it. In Joey's third talk he went through different points on 'union and communion with God'. One of his points was that we should ABIDE/reside IN/with CHRIST. At this point in his lesson he said one of the more profound things I have heard in a long time, " When we distance ourselves from the means of grace then we are starving our faith." Simple, right? Not for me. Overwhelming. yes. Simple. no.
I can starve my faith. I can do that.
I have been doing that.
What offers me the means of Grace= THE WORD. Worship. the Bride.
Of course I feel dry.
My roots are so deep but I am offering them no water,
no food to eat on; to grow from.
God doesn't run dry.
There are always deep deep wells of water offered to me.
(but i can distance myself from them, and i do.)
So, Yes to the overwhelmingness...
The beauty of it all is there is no condemnation. There is no guilt trip for the past year of my life. No punishment for not feeding. The bread is still offered to me freely.
It is still there for the takin'.
Come ye sinners, poor and wretched,
weak and wounded, sick and sore.
Jesus, ready, stands to save you,
Full of pity joined with power.
He is able, He is able; He is willing; Doubt no more.
Come ye needy, come and welcome;
God’s free bounty glorify:
True belief and true repentance,
every grace that brings you nigh.
Without money, without money
Come to Jesus Christ and buy.
Come ye weary, heavy laden,
Bruised and broken by the fall.
If you tarry till you’re better,
you will never come at all.
Not the righteous, not the righteous;
Sinners Jesus came to call.
Let not conscience make you linger,
nor of fitness fondly dream.
All the fitness He requireth
is to feel your need of Him.
This He gives you, this He gives you,
’Tis the Spirit’s rising beam.
Lo! The Incarnate God, ascended;
pleads the merit of His blood.
Venture on Him; venture wholly,
Let no other trust intrude.
None but Jesus, none but Jesus
Can do helpless sinners good.
yes yes yes yes - Jesus ready stands to save us! He is full of power! Love!