Chapter 4:::
Ever wake up in the morning and realize that you have been shut down?
I do. and it is completely the Holy Spirit. Thank God for him!
I notice patterns in my life. Really sad patterns like: forgetting that I am God's joy and delight, forgetting to go to him with my time, forgetting to offer hi
m my whole heart, forgetting that my identity is not wrapped up in the people around me, forgetting that the Word is my daily bread, forgetting that am completely hopeless without my King. my Savior. my Lord. my Jesus. and then the worst pattern of all kicks in: I forget tha
t I have HOPE, because I have my King. my Savior. my Lord. and the Holy Spirit filling me, walking with me, journeying with me.
And, so. I feel like my heart has walls all around it. and they are crashing in on me. I am under construction. but really I just feel like rubble. I feel like "under construction" is just a nice title for a messy process.
I feel the bricks on top of me
. I feel the heaviness and the messiness.
But, in all honesty, would I really have it any other way?
For months I have been waiting and pleading for rawness. For realness. For LIFE.
So bricks. bricks are ok this time. brinks remind me that rubble is moved AWAY.
that rubble is picked up in those big trucks and moved away from the construction site: from my heart.
and construction. construction is ok this time. because construction normally means change. and I need change, and deep change.

Why live in this?
When God is offering me this:::

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