So much life has happened.
Usually, when blogs aren't posted its because there is just too much. too much of life too fast.
too much isn't bad.
too much sometimes isn't even fast.
its just a lot.
I have been learning a lot about WORDS lately. God had told me he
would teach me, he even prepared me for thinking about truth. I just had no idea
how it would all bubble up.
I had no idea that I had hidden the deceit that lived in me and blocked it off from God's transformation power.
I had tombed it off.
"the most revolutionary act is telling the truth."
PUT on the BELT of TRUTH, cause your pants are fallin' off.
God is a talker. That is good news for me. Exodus 19, God speaks! He communicates clearly. Another truth that I am learning to lean on and trust in. "Do you trust that your shepherd speeks to his sheep?"
QUESTIONS are so valuable.
Dr. Pettit tells me to write down the questions. He says, "You are writing down the questions, right?!"
>>>Big questions leave lots of room for God to move<<<
YOU ARE MAKING ME INTO SOUP! and it is super painful!
When a catapillar transforms and is inside the cocoon all of its organs are broken down and made into something that resembles soup. It is liquid, sloshing around in there waiting to be made into something! All of the old organs are broken down because they are not equipped to take on the new identity. Then these cells called Imaginary Cells begin to grow and build new organs. Scientists cannot figure out what gets these cells to begin, but they do, faithfully.
All of my old ograns have been made into slush.
I have sucessfully become soup.
"Now what?!?"
I am empty handed but alive in His hands.
Death bringing NEW life.
Depression bringing dependency
Makin' me into Soup.
... NOTHING but the BLOOD of JESUS!
(Little giggling boys)
Im thankful that I was given two sisters to journey with and to be family with! Im thankful that God is teaching me to SAVOR time and moments with.
He is able. He is willing.
Doubt no more.

I am really thankful for laughter.
for this beautiful mountain top.
for the promise of sunshine.
for a cozy night in the city with Sarah:)
for glitter!
for colorful and vibrant parts of life (even when they come in forms of dresses)
for being able to hold my nephews
and for tears
Im thankful that goodbyes are hard cause it means that my life is RICH!!!
Im thankful for matching
and having a brother.
Im thankful that the WORD is so So SO ALIVE!
Im thankful for the promise of sunshine and Orlando.
for invitations
for Pat encouraging me to make space inside me soul
for courage to speak truth
for lies being broken off me
for living into the truth that hiddeness does NOT protect
thankful for soup being able to make wings and reproduction organs.
Im just thankful that God is working on me.
I for sure am in the WorkRoom.
Slow and tedious work.
Slow, tedious, and beautiful.
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