1. of great weight; hard to lift or carry.
2. of great amount, quantity, or size; extremely large, massive.
HEAVY. That is a perfect word to descibe how I have felt for the past couple weeks. Heavy.
Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who are weary...I will give you rest... Learn from me... you will find rest for your souls...My yoke is easy and my burden is light."
I have CLUNG to the promises in this verse before. Clung to it as if my life depended on it. Probably because a lot of days I feel so heavy that my life does depend on someone taking the burdens for me.
But I have questions and thoughts, somehow this verse doesn't quite make since to me. How can any burden be light? and how and what is Jesus' yoke? Is his idea of " light and easy" different then mine?
Questions are valuable.
Write down the questions.
When I think 'light and easy' a picture of whip cream pops in my head. Pretty sure that isn't what Jesus was thinking when he said those words.
So I open up my hands.
Knowing that God is good and that he is my sustainer,
Knowing that God holds all things together,
Knowing that I don't know,
I open up my hands, ask the questions, and trust in his answers.
Satan fights a battle over trust.
And I'm feelin' it.
I will drink my tea and remind God of his promise.
I will lay all that stuff at the cross and trust that God's idea of "light and easy" is good. Good, good for me, and good for God's glory.
LOTS of Hope.
I love sunshinecause it brings GROWTH.
These weeks this mountain top has been awfully foggy.
foggy and gross.
I struggle with the fog. I struggle with it because I love the sun. Sun brings warmth, comfort, and growth. Fog brings questions. I struggle living thankfully in the questions.
HARD thanks.
Enter into hard thanksgiving.
Hard thanksgiving on the rough seas.

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