Sunday, July 20, 2014

Some days, you just need to be a little creative and have a few laughs.
Dear Hanna,
 I love that you live life with me even if it means jumping in a green pool.
And mostly I love that God let us become real life friends- not just college friends.
Side project forever. -Em

Monday, July 7, 2014

Dear Mrs. Cate Shin.

Dear Cate babe,
You are an absolute joy. 
I always knew I would love you, because I loved Hails, 
but I just had no idea how much I would love you! 
Your friendship is a blessing. Your joy, giggles, and dancing are contagious. Your story telling is captivating and so funny! And you have encouraged me with your wisdom and your selfless love towards Jung. 
Your wedding was the most Kingdom-like wedding I have ever been too- and at the end of the day, all I wanted to do was meet our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. 
I hope that encourages you. 
My prayer is that you and Jung would be strengthened in the love the Lord has for you, 
that you would be refreshed by his living water, 
and that abiding in dependence on YHWH would be a place of rest and joy. 
Cate babe, 
you are my sister.
I will always love you- no matter the miles between us. 
Love, Em Kuhn
Ps. ringa, ringa, ringa, ringa, re.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dear Mrs. Ellen Christenberry.

Dear Elle girl, 
You are a total babe. And C-berry is one lucky man. I am so thankful for God's redemption and reconciliation in our friendship. It has been an a very living reminder of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks for letting me stand next to you on your big day. I felt so honored and also so aware of God's grace and faithfulness over us. Elle, you truly have been one of the biggest gifts that came out of  Covenant College. The way you care, listen, and simply live life with is such a joy- and I love you! Know that I will always fight for your covenant with Andrew and that I cant wait to see all that life brings you. I am praying and thanking God for the ways that he will strengthen you and Andrew to run this race faithfully. He is our prize- and there is nothing more beautiful and good than that! 
Love your girl, Em.
Ps. The long name is totally worth it!