i have been processing Urbana for a little bit now
and it is time to share some...
To be honest, God did so much in me that I feel like I cant express it in words, not even after a couple weeks have gone by. Some memories are too important to put in print and so those will just stay in my heart and stay between me and God. But I do think that it is super valuable to give testimony to what God has been up to, so that is what this blog post is about.
Just sharing little pieces of the story.
Whether they are quotes, questions, or videos.
"simply compelled by love to obey"
These words were said by Tom Lin the very first night at Urbana, and I prayed that God would let those words define my life. Im still praying that on this mountain top.
Glitter was the background to all the lyrics during worship. God continues to weave a story.
"Freedom, freedom, no more crying,
no more chains, no more bondage, I am free!"
We sang this song the first night, and I knew that God had a lot in store for me.
I first heard this song in Mozambique. Rosa led it on her guitar on my second Sunday in Pemba.
Yield and Surrender.
Words that popped up all over the week and all over my life.
Jesus Christ is a garbage collector.
"If your passion is not birthed in the Word of God it will die." Amen!
I began praying that God would make me passionate and wild
about making disciples right where I am,
and that joy and love would be my motive.
David Platt spoke straight to my heart when he said, "You do not have the time to waste your life in comfort and casual."
Another question that impacted me was, "When do your rights start and Jesus' rights as your Lord and Savior begin?"
"Proximity to the Father is not the same
as Intimacy with the Father."
Another question that I was asked was if the WORD of GOD would stop with me or spread through me? That question, along with hundreds of others, were what brought me back to the throne room.
What I know more than anything is
that I have found someone who is WORTH everything and everyone
and he is all I want.
And Deep INTIMACY leads to deep SUBMISSION.
And I have submitted my whole life to Jesus Christ, my Ruler.