Study. Study. Study. Take A Final. Study. Take A Final. Study. Study. Younglife. Study. Take A Final. Study. Take A Final.
I feel like life has been on pause for a bit.
And when it finally started moving again,
it all crashed in on me.
"Once you feel dead it is hard as hell to wake back up."
Wake up!
Wake up, you sleeper!
I am thankful for Christmas.
For Jesus being born into the messiness of this world
through a woman's birth canal.
He was born into my messy and broken world.
And this Christmas that was comfort for me.
It was less about celebration and more about THANKSGIVING.
Thankful that he didn't leave me alone, but that he came.
HE CAME! and today that is enough for me.
I am not alone:::
That manna feels like a five course meal.
I love my family.
I say it all the time,
but thats because each time I am with them my heart expands.
I cant believe I missed some things for years.
Family is always hard,
but it is also full of love and joy.

This is family too! and I miss them all...
a lot.

I would rather ignore the questions.
These tiny little sentences pierce my heart and make it fully uncomfortable and out of control.
And to be blut- I hate both of those feelings!
But questions bring me to the feet of Jesus.
They ask me to cling to something firm.
They remind me to be thankful that my identity is given to me.
and that I dont have to earn it!
But how do I love the questions?
This I need help with.

“I believe that this way of living, this focus on the present, the daily, the tangible, this intense concentration not on the news headlines but on the flowers growing in your own garden, the children growing in your own home, this way of living has the potential to open up the heavens, to yield a glittering handful of diamonds where a second ago there was coal. This way of living and noticing and building and crafting can crack through the movie sets and soundtracks that keep us waiting for our own life stories to begin, and set us free to observe the lives we have been creating all along without even realizing it.”
― Shauna Niequist, Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life
― Shauna Niequist, Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life

Glitter! this has been what God has used to talk to me lately.
"Im not a glitter person," I tell her.
"What does that mean?" she asks.
Little did I know
that God was gonna use that little question
to bring transformation into my life.
Glitter! has NO fear of Man!
It is that kinda thing that you either hate or love.
But it doesn't care that people hate it,
it still kinda screams:
"HERE I AM WORLD! see me!"
It also spreads faster then gossip.
Light reflects off it!
and it is radically beautiful.
And it cant hide.
No matter how hard I try to hide, God constantly calls me out.
This time he is saying... "Wake up! Wake up! I made you to be like glitter em.
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5: 14-16
P.S. I miss my girls. Im thankful for them!

"You gotta big your fairy tail baby."